This would be my response. |
In one of my first posts, I mentioned a mom I know who commented at the town pool one day that unless she didn't start using sunblock on her face she'd look forty before too long (as if looking forty was the epitome of horrible). Well, I saw her again the other day. On the way to the gym, I was stopped at a red light behind a minivan...her minivan as I'd soon find out. "Choose Life" read one bumper sticker (and so did her license plate holder). But there was another one I hadn't seen before: "How can there be too many children? That's like saying there are too many flowers."
This quote is attributed to Mother Teresa, I Googled it. I hate to argue with a woman who's in the process of being canonized, but really, that's just a ridiculous comparison. I don't even get it. What, kids and flowers are both sweet and lovely? They look nice? (It's certainly not that they both smell wonderful.)
Or maybe this one. |
This bumper sticker on its own wouldn't have bothered me because the sentiment is sweet. But together with "Choose Life" it takes on a whole new meaning--and stops making sense. After all, unlike flowers kids don't stay in one place, and they need a heck of a lot more than water, soil, and sun to survive. You can't leave them at home and continue to live an unencumbered life.
I absolutely agree that every life is precious, but the abortion issue is way too complex to address it by comparing children and flowers. It's trying to simplify the issue but just ends up trite. Besides, I just don't like people who use their motor vehicles to proselytize--you are forced to learn their point of view without being able to put in your own two cents. It doesn't seem fair. It irks me.
Now, not only am I watching that woman, but I'm wary of her as well.
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