Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

My upcoming 20th college reunion has got me thinking about old friends and acquaintances I haven't seen in years. Who will show up for the festivities? And what will they look like now that the glow of youth has faded? Seeing people after so many years can be an unsettling thing: Some folks look pretty good, which is to say they've aged gracefully. A few actually look even better than when they were young--those who coped with bad acne or lingering baby fat back in the day. Then there are the "What the hell...?" folks--the unlucky ones who have aged so horribly they're barely recognizable.

Here's a few of our favorite stars of the '80s and the categories in which they belong:

Category One: Looking Pretty Good for Your Age

Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface,

Michelle now--just as stunning
(surely she's had plastic surgery,
but at least it hasn't completely
changed her looks)

John Stamos in his 80s
General Hospital days--
very cute!
John now--still gorgeous

Category Two: Better Than Before

Jeremy Piven--a bad case
of dorkiness-with-braces
(he was in Lucas and
Say Anything in the 80s,
but I couldn't find photos)
Jeremy now--sure, he's an
ass, but aging is working
in his favor

Sarah Jessica Parker in her
Square Pegs days

S.J. now--never a beauty,
with age she's learned to work
 with what she's got and looks
 much better (though she's
almost certainly had a nose job)
Category Three: GOOD GOD! What Happened to You?!

Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science, 1985--
 so hot she could melt an iceberg
Kelly now--Oy, vey!

Val Kilmer--he was beyond
sexy in 1984's Top Secret

Val now--AAAHHHH!
Say it isn't so!

I'm hoping that most of the people I see at the reunion look great...except, that is, for the guy who broke my heart. Him? I'm hoping he makes Val Kilmer look like John Stamos.

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