Friday, January 6, 2012

I Really Hope I Won't Have to Use the Imperius Curse Next Weekend

I just spent over two hours making this Platform 9-3/4 Hogwarts Express sign for my son's sixth birthday party, which is a week away. 

Over the next seven days, I'll be busy conjuring up Chocolate Frogs, Sugar Mice, Peppermint Humbugs, Butterscotch Broomsticks, Acid Pops, and cauldron cakes (cupcakes) decorated to look like Harry Potter, Hedwig the owl, and Harry's lightning-bolt scar. I will be hunched over creating signs pointing guests toward Potions Class, The Three Broomsticks Pub, and Honeyduke's Sweet Shoppe.

Why do I do this? I do enjoy it...mostly. I like the creativity, I love how excited my son gets when I tell him my latest greatest idea, I adore watching the kids have a blast, and, yes, I enjoy hearing the guests' compliments (meaning the parents because six year olds aren't exactly known for appreciating things).

Kids don't need all the hoopla to have fun--I know this. They'd be happy if the party consisted of two hours of unstructured play, pizza, and cake. Our moms didn't throw us elaborately themed parties when we were little--and we sure didn't complain. Party entertainment when we were little was Pin the Tail on the Donkey and maybe a pinata. There were no professional magicians or petting zoos or kids' gyms. Cone-shaped party hats and balloons were it.

I wanted to have the party elsewhere--a bowling alley or sports complex, perhaps--but my son really wanted it to be at home. And now that he's in Kindergarten there are so many more children to invite. And because there's nothing fun going on in January, 95% RSVP'd yes. And because the weather usually sucks on party day, we can't just toss the kids outside and say "Have fun." 

So this time next week, I'll be running around the house like a crazy woman, snapping at my husband for not helping enough (he'll counter by pointing out that I didn't actually ask for his help), and trying to  clean, set up, and decorate everything in time. All so 17 little boys and girls (and one magician with a rabbit) can trash it the next day.

But I'm pretty sure it'll be awesome.

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