Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sister Act

I've just spent a fun day with my in-laws. While I adore them all, hanging out with my three excellent sisters-in-law is always bittersweet because it makes me sad that I don't have a sister of my own.

Don't get me wrong, my two brothers are awesome and I love them dearly. But, as I've learned over the years from watching my gal pals and their sissies, the bond of sisterhood is like no other. Even sisters that hate each other are usually ridiculously close.

I can count the number of conversations I have with each brother per year on one or two hands (depending on if Christmas is at my parents' house or my in-laws' that particular year). Certainly I'm partially responsible--it's not like I call them much more often than they call me (which is somewhere between never and once a year), but that's mainly because they are men and just not that chatty.

I hang out with my sisters-in-law and am envious. Even though they all live in different states, they talk all the time and still have that sisterly shorthand with one another. Sure, there were rough patches when they were younger--my husband has told me about some knock-down-drag-out fights that happened during their teen years--but now they are best friends and share everything.

I wish I had that kind of relationship with someone. My husband's sisters could not be warmer, nicer, or more welcoming to me, but it's just not the same as having a sister of my own. In high school and college I had girlfriends who were almost like sisters, and even though I'm still close with most of them, it's only inevitable that we've grown apart somewhat. Family takes priority, and since these lovely ladies aren't actually family, well, we aren't each other's priorities anymore.

I used to think being the only girl was the best thing ever, because my dad spoiled me, I never had to wear hand-me-downs, and I didn't have to share my girly toys with anyone. But now I realize how wrong I was.

I hope all of you ladies out there with sisters realize how lucky you are.

1 comment:

  1. This one is tough for me. I have one sister and our relationship is rocky at best. I always envy sisters who get along and are BFF's and talk all the time. I have never had that and wish I didn't want it so badly. Great post and all too close to home. WE all want what we can't have. I just wish I were talking about hair and not blood.
