Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Uno, Dos, Tres

I'm going to admit it: I kinda hate Dora. She's shrill, she yells, her singing is painful, and as my five-year-old son noted, "Dora is rude. She is always telling you to do something but never says 'Please.' " He makes a good point. "Say 'salta'! Again! Salta! Say 'salta'!" Jeez, stop bossing my kids around, Dora.

BUT. But my daughter LURVES Dora, and has for over a year now. (Over a year! Good god!) So, yeah, we have to live with the annoying, giant-headed, bilingual, monkey-loving beyotch.

However, I'm sort of loving Dora at this particular moment because I just realized my three-year-old can count to ten in Spanish--and really well, too. Like, if I plopped her down in Mexico, her counting would be understood by the locals.

This may not sound like a big deal, but my little girl was slow to talk--she was barely saying anything at two. So the fact that she knows her Spanish numbers (in addition to her English ones up to twenty) blows my mind.

The reason I was unaware of my daughter's proficiency en Espanol is because I NEVER sit and watch Dora with her. Yeah, I know I'm supposed to, but Dora is just too painful. So tonight, there we were on the train after enjoying dinner in the city, my daughter watching Dora on the iPad right next to me. I couldn't help but listen. Suddenly, I hear my baby counting, "Uno, dos, tres," etc.

Dora, I owe you a big apology--sorry for hating you. And thank you for teaching my baby some Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms. Derkerzuprian,
    We are suing you, your son and the "Generationxpired" corporation for calling Dora "rude" and "annoying" and making fun of her giant head; and for the unauthorized use of her image on your "blog."
    You'll be hearing from our lawyers shortly.
    Nick Jr.
